
Control Room Set Up to Repatriate Kuwaitis from Lebanon

  • Publish date: Sunday، 23 June 2024
Control Room Set Up to Repatriate Kuwaitis from Lebanon

In response to escalating tensions in Lebanon, Kuwait’s foreign ministry has urged its citizens to return home immediately and has set up a control room to facilitate their repatriation. The ministry announced the initiative on Saturday, emphasizing their commitment to ensuring the safety of all Kuwaiti nationals.

Kuwait Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya stated that the ministry is working closely with Kuwait Airways to manage the repatriation process. Kuwait Airways has increased its capacity and is deploying larger aircraft to accommodate the expected influx of returning citizens. The Kuwait Embassy in Lebanon has also made necessary arrangements to assist in the process.

This advisory marks an escalation from a previous statement in January, where the foreign ministry had advised citizens in Lebanon to exercise caution or leave voluntarily due to potential military escalations in the region linked to ongoing conflicts.

The advisory came shortly after Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly informed her Israeli counterpart, Yisrael Katz, that Canada is preparing to evacuate around 45,000 Canadian citizens from Lebanon. Canada has updated its travel advisory to “avoid all travel” to Lebanon and has deployed military forces to the region as a precaution.

The urgency of Kuwait’s advisory was underscored by a recent phone call between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Foreign Minister Al-Yahya. The two officials discussed the necessity of preventing further escalation and enhancing bilateral cooperation for regional stability. They also deliberated on continuing humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza and post-conflict reconstruction plans.

Meanwhile, reactions on social media have been varied. Hussein Hakeem, currently in South Lebanon, described the situation as “not that bad,” downplaying the severity of the threats. Farah Al-Hashem, a Kuwaiti filmmaker residing in Lebanon, also downplayed the advisory, suggesting that such precautions are routine during security threats.

Despite these mixed reactions, the Kuwaiti government remains resolute in its efforts to ensure the safe return of its citizens. The control room will continue to coordinate with relevant authorities to manage the repatriation process efficiently.

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