
Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Monday، 13 November 2023
Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

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Your horoscope for the week of November 13 to November 19, 2023, is here, and things are not what they seem on the surface.
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

There’s excitement in the air, mainly because this is the first lunation since the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse axis ended, giving you an optimistic look at a fresh start. But before you grab your manifesting crystals, you might want to buckle up because the upcoming new moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023, has a trick or two up its sleeve. For starters, the new moon forms a trine to trickster planet Neptune, warning you not to bury your head in the sand. This energy, combined with Uranus, the planet of unexpected changes and consequences, could lead to dramatic and swift retaliation in the face of deception. If you engaged in deceptive or dishonest practices during the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle, karma might find its way back around to you this week. And if you were the one wronged, there's a chance that the cosmos will enact some sweet justice on your behalf.

With Mercury settling into the energy of Sagittarius this week, you might be tempted to speak out of turn or say something that stirs the pot. Communication planet Mercury is known for its nuance, soft skills, and willingness to see things from different perspectives. However, when Mercury is in fiery truth-teller Sagittarius, our communication can come off as blunt and abrasive. Your words could rub people the wrong way, but that doesn't mean you're necessarily in the wrong. Another quirk of this transit is hidden truths coming to the surface in unexpected ways. Whether someone sends you a text they weren't supposed to or you overhear something you wish you hadn't, you could come into information this week that wasn't meant for your ears but will certainly benefit you in the long run.

As Mercury mingles with Venus in Libra later this week, be careful of oversharing this week, especially with situations that are out of your control. You might feel the need to express what's on your heart with anyone who will listen, but you don't know who might use that information against you or try to make you look bad. The South Node of Destiny is also lingering in this energy, meaning you could get an unfavorable result that you weren't prepared to deal with. Although these events could be life-changing, they will help you solidify what you have learned throughout this eclipse cycle. Something has to change, and whether you initiate that change or react to it, things cannot continue as before.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries, you might feel the urge to make drastic and destructive changes to your life this week, but it's best to think before you act. With so much Scorpio energy at play, it's easy for you to act impulsively based on your emotions, and Mercury in Sagittarius could have you speaking some hard truths that won't win you any favors. Instead of being the bearer of bad news and doing damage to your relationships, it's best to offer advice only when asked for it directly. You may still have something crucial to contribute, but the astrology of this week advises you to wait until you're invited to share your thoughts.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week is your chance to step out of your comfort zone, Taurus, even if it seems challenging. You're probably fed up and overwhelmed by all the changes in your life and would prefer to retreat until the holiday season arrives. However, the new moon in Scorpio allows you to express your opinions and process the grief you've been dealing with. You might face unexpected challenges threatening your sense of security. However, this is the ideal time for you to rebuild your life in a more favorable and rewarding manner. So, open yourself to the blessings of this new moon and embrace the changes that come your way.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Keep your cool this week, Gemini. The new moon in Scorpio may awaken some profound emotions, but it's better to react more diplomatically and devise a practical solution. Remember, no matter how emotional you feel about the current problem, everything is temporary. Mercury in Sagittarius is more beneficial for thinking of new and creative ways to approach your problem. This would also be a good week for you to get out and exercise when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed. There’s a lot of energy that needs an outlet, so choose productive ways to let it out this week when you’re feeling stir-crazy.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

You’ll feel the need to speak your mind this week, Cancer, and it’s not worth biting your tongue anymore. Expect some verbal tit-for-tat and potential conflict during the new moon in Scorpio, and remember, you’re in complete control of your reaction to the situation. Mercury in Sagittarius wants you to speak the truth but also try to work towards a resolution. Remember, you’re arguing because you care in some sense. So whether you’re looking for closure or a resolution, stay true to yourself and be fair in listening to other people's perspectives. You might get the answers you’re looking for.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Leo Weekly Horoscope

This week will have you feeling cozy and domestic, Leo, whether it's the draining energy of that new moon in Scorpio or the anticipation of the holidays – you're feeling like closing yourself in for the week and hibernating. Additionally, you may face some financial challenges before the holidays or encounter pressure at work due to a conflict. Your instinct will be to deal with this alone, but relinquish your pride and tap into your network this week.connecting with family or loved ones. Your financial situation might be a bit of a pinch ahead of the holidays, or a conflict at work could make you feel under pressure.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week is a good time for you to clean house, Virgo. Whether in a literal sense by refreshing your physical space ahead of the cold winter months or your cleaning life of the things causing you drama, the new moon in Scorpio says it's time to send a clear message about what you will and won't tolerate. Don't beat yourself up if your physical energy doesn’t match your mental strength this week; Mercury in Sagittarius could have your thoughts scattered, delaying your usually streamlined processes. Ride the energy as it comes and goes this week, and give yourself credit for what you do manage to knock out.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week is a good time for you to manifest in new beginnings, Libra, but you might feel stuck in the past thanks to Venus and the South Node flirting with each other in the sky. You’re a lover of balance, and you feel totally out of whack this week. Rather than let yourself stay stuck out of fear of making the wrong decision, get in touch with yourself during this new moon in Scorpio and figure out your emotional truth. Even if the external circumstances aren’t ideal, you can still decide to put yourself on a new path forward. This week is pivotal to choosing your narrative, so don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

This week will change everything about you, Scorpio, but you didn't need the stars to tell you that. Things have been brewing under the surface for you since the eclipse ended, and everything is reaching a boiling point during this new moon in your sign. You've gone through a deeply emotional and transformational time over the last two years. Now, it's time to take steps in the external world to change your life to match the new you. With Mercury in Sagittarius for the next few weeks, you're feeling more inspired to assert yourself. The world is watching what you will do, go ahead and give them a show.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

You’re used to romanticizing your life, Sagittarius, but this week, the new moon in Scorpio is giving you a harsh dose of reality. It’s nothing you can’t handle; it just might not be the answer you wanted. Mercury in Sagittarius is telling you to see people for who they are and hold them accountable for their actions. It’s easy to give people the benefit of the doubt, but creating a false image of your relationship with the other person will only lead to disappointment. Uranus’s involvement in the new moon might make you feel uncertain, so just make the best decision you can and don't be afraid to seek advice from friends.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

You’re looking at making some changes to your career, Capricorn, but you’re not convinced with the right move is yet. This stretch of Mercury in Sagittarius could open the conversation up for you to explore your future options. Right now, you’re working to align your emotional side with your ambitions and find something that gives you the best of both worlds. Use the new moon in Scorpio to ask yourself what you don’t have in this current position or what it would take to get you to make a big jump. And remember, you don't need to rush things or act in the moment. You have time to let things unfold naturally.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

This new moon in Scorpio is a game-changer for you, Aquarius. When things seem like they can’t get any worse, and you feel like you’ve got nothing left to lose, it gives you a chance to break free of the expectations of you. This week, you’re finding new ways to establish yourself amongst your peers and rally those around you to see things from a new perspective. Something's gotta give, and a voice in your head tells you you might be the leader of the new movement. If you see injustice this week, speak up against it and assert what's right. Conflict might seem taboo, but sometimes, it's a good thing.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

It's time to let all that shit go, Pisces. This month is about learning when to hold onto things and when to let things go. You can't hold onto all of your pain and grief at once, and you have to decide when to give it over to something bigger than yourself. The new moon in Scorpio offers an opportunity to release subconscious burdens and embrace the promise of the future, potentially receiving insights into your dreams. Mercury in Sagittarius invites you to act like you've got it all figured out, even when you don't. Allow yourself to explore uncharted territories, you'll discover a version of yourself that you never knew existed.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 19th

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here

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