
Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 07 November 2023
Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

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Your horoscope for the week of November 6 to November 12, 2023, is here, and the stars are kicking things back into productivity mode.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Happy November 2023! The astrology of this week starts off with Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, finally moving forward again after ending its five-month retrograde in Pisces on November 4, 2023. During this transit, it was easy to escape into a dream world due to the roadblocks and frustrations that came out of nowhere. For some, it was a time of relaxation, while for others, it was a frustrating vortex of endless drama. But now, with Saturn getting back to work, it’s time to get back to reality. This transit happened alongside the end of Daylight Savings Time. As we move toward the winter months, the focus shifts from doing the external work to attending to our internal needs.

Venus enters Libra, the sign of its rulership, on November 8, 2023, placing it in a position of power. Usually, Venus in Libra is a pleasant and romantic energy that invites us to embrace the indulgences of life. However, this month, Venus in Libra will sit alongside the South Node of Destiny and try to tempt you into returning to old habits and bad relationships. When Venus was in Virgo, opposing Saturn, you saw the truth for what it was. That transit was difficult, but it provided you with the clarity you needed to make some tough calls. Don’t let yourself be misguided by an illusion from the past when Venus enters Libra. Instead, pour that energy and nurturing back into yourself. Sit with your grief instead of returning to the things that bring you pain.

The next day, on November 9, 2023, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, freeing up your communication and sense of self-expression. When Mercury was in Scorpio, you were processing your feelings on the situation, and now that Mercury is moving into truth-telling Sagittarius, you’re ready to speak your mind. During this time, expect people to be more blunt about their opinions and more willing to share them freely. You could have enlightening and motivating conversations during this time with like-minded people or find yourself butting heads with people you don’t see eye to eye with. And with the holidays just around the corner, this transit is giving you an opportunity to see things from another perspective and get a deeper appreciation for your fellow man.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Your love life will be the center of attention this week, Aries. Saturn's retrograde in Pisces has been blocking your creativity and romantic sphere for the past few months, forcing you to focus more on adult matters. However, as Venus moves into Libra, you can expect a sweet spot to enter your love life. You will feel more inclined to express your feelings and communicate with your loved ones. This is also a good time to let go of past expectations in relationships and embrace a new way of dating. Whether single or spoken for, you have the green light to turn up the charm and show off your attractive qualities. Mercury in Sagittarius will give your pick-up lines some extra space this week, so don't be afraid to approach that special someone and strike up a conversation.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus, this week is a great time for you to embrace your inner diva. With your planetary ruler, Venus, moving into Libra, you'll be in a position of authority, which will bring out your natural leadership qualities. For the next few weeks, you'll notice that your words will have an added sweetness to them, making people more willing to grant your wishes. This is an excellent time to use your charisma and charm to make progress in areas of your life that have previously felt stagnant. If you need help from a friend or another person, the energy aligns when Mercury is in Sagittarius. However, it is important to listen to other people's perspectives and be willing to learn from them instead of making decisions for them. You might be surprised at what you can learn from those closest to you this week. 

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini, things have been a bit monotonous for you recently. However, this week, you will experience a positive change in momentum. The positioning of Venus in Libra and Mercury in Sagittarius will introduce a fresh, creative edge to your life. Your mind has been buzzing with ideas for some time now, but you will now discover new ways to channel those thoughts into actionable steps. With added support from Venus, you will be more confident in yourself and your abilities. Your ideas will evolve from small iterations to large-scale designs that you can act on. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of your dreams, which is why this week is all about brainstorming and jotting down anything and everything that comes to mind. You can edit and refine later; for now, let yourself dream.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week can be an exciting and adventurous time for you, Cancer, so make the most of it. Saturn, which is now moving direct in Pisces, will lift a huge burden off your mind. You can expect to gain clarity and answers to whatever has been causing you stress or overthinking. Even if the situation remains a mystery, it will occupy your mind less and less as time goes on. As Venus moves into Libra, it's a chance for you to take the lead in your relationship. If you're in a committed relationship, plan a date night and ask your partner to surprise you with something they know you'll love. If you're single, gather your friends and go out for a night on the town. Your social battery and charisma will be high, and you'll have a great time making memories with your friends. Whether or not you meet someone special, it's still a fantastic opportunity to have fun.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Leo Weekly Horoscope

The stars want you to chill out, Leo. With Venus entering Libra, it's a luxurious time for you to relax and embrace the slow life. Add some sparkle to your week - get extra vanilla in your latte, hit the snooze button, or take a few extra moments to enjoy your favorite song. It's essential to take some time for self-care and rejuvenation, so don't feel guilty about it. Creativity is found in the most unexpected places. One of the challenges you may face this month is finding a rhythm that you can maintain at a steady pace. Honor what your body needs at the moment and accept that your 100% will look different every day. When Mercury enters Sagittarius, your mind will be filled with new ideas and inspiration. So, take advantage of this peaceful time to recharge and prepare for the busy days ahead.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week might feel bittersweet for you, Virgo. Venus will be leaving your sign and entering Libra. This change might help you reflect on the past month and find the lessons learned in the chaos. Even though there were some bright spots, Venus falls in Virgo, so you might be ready to move on. Saturn is in direct motion in Pisces, and it's bringing you back to reality, a place where you thrive. Saturn's retrograde opened you up to a new philosophy on life and gave you a chance not to be so hard on yourself. Now that you know what you need to do, it’s time to move forward without judgment for your past actions. There’s a lot of momentum behind your plans this week, but you’ll need to get yourself organized. Luckily, you’ll have no problem doing so!

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week is your moment to shine, Libra. When Venus moves into your sign, you will experience a world of comfort. Venus is all about abundance and manifestation, but with Venus flirting with the South Node this month, it’s time to shift your perspective from wanting more to appreciating what you already have. Invest in the luxuries and resources you already have and put into the relationships that provide you the most fulfillment. You don’t need to look outside your life to find exactly what you want. Mercury in Sagittarius will inspire you to reach out, build connections in your community, and put your skills to use for the greater good. This is a great time to get involved in a local charity or connect with people who share similar passions. The action you take this week can create a domino effect that will enrich your life for months to come.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

It’s your season, Scorpio, and things are finally looking up. Venus entering Libra will bring enrichment to your financial sector in the form of some good news at work or owed money finally being settled. This transit is also suitable for creating new opportunities for yourself, so if you’re looking to switch jobs amidst the holiday talent changeover, now is an excellent time to brush up your résumé and get your cover letter in order. Mercury in Sagittarius will have you asking real questions about what’s important to you and what you hold at the highest value. This month is your first outside of the eclipse cycle that shook your life up, and the new moon in Scorpio next week will be a cosmic baptism. Use this week to sort through your feelings about everything and get raw and honest with what you’re ready to leave behind moving forward.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

This month, Sagittarius, you will reach new heights in your life. Mercury moving into your sign means that you will have the chance to express yourself and share your thoughts and ideas with others. You'll feel confident in your knowledge and eager to learn more. However, it's important to maintain a professional demeanor and avoid getting too close to others too quickly or engaging in gossip. With Venus in Libra, it's crucial to set clear boundaries with people who haven't earned your trust. If you sense any suspicious behavior, it's best to take a step back and wait for the truth to reveal itself. Overall, the planets are aligned in your favor this month, so seize these opportunities with confidence. Remember that professionalism and healthy boundaries will ensure both success.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

A lot is happening this week for you, Capricorn. However, all you can focus on is your planetary ruler ending its five-month retrograde. You may have been isolating yourself to deal with stress; however, the stars are encouraging you to rejoin the world and enjoy your life. Venus in Libra is giving you the opportunity to indulge in all the cheesy holiday accouterments that you might have considered tacky before. It's okay to put up your Christmas tree early and listen to holiday music, even if Thanksgiving is yet to come. It's time to embrace sensitivity and vulnerability in your relationships. Mercury in Sagittarius is presenting a perfect opportunity to swap stories with your family about the past and learn more about the people they were before you knew them. Everyone has a story, and this month offers a chance to get to know each other better.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

If you’ve got someone from the past on your mind, it’s time to let the fantasy go, Aquarius. Saturn direct in Pisces wants you to take off the rose-colored glasses. This month, it’s all about embracing your uniqueness and understanding that you don’t have to change yourself to find someone else is ideal. Just because you want something different in love doesn’t mean you’re asking too much. When Mercury moves into Sagittarius, you may begin questioning things you were raised to believe. This can lead to tension before the holiday season, but it can also be a chance to unlearn toxic family behavior patterns and adopt a new approach to conflict resolution. Sparking an honest conversation at home begins with speaking the truth.

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

This week is hitting the reset button for you, Pisces. Saturn is finally ending its five-month retrograde in your sign, and clarity is finally coming back to your vision. As you regain your balance, you'll see several potential paths laid out for you. Each path is equally compelling, but it's up to you to choose the one that aligns with your passion. Once you decide, stick with it and see how much your life can be enriched by going deep into it. As Mercury transits through Sagittarius, its energy calls upon you to listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. It's important to tune out any negative opinions or criticism from people who may not have your best interests in mind. The key here is to surround yourself with trusted advisors who have your back and can provide objective feedback on your plan. 

Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of November 12th

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here

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