
Your Daily Horoscope: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 19 December 2023
Your Daily Horoscope: Wednesday, 20 December 2023

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Read More: What Holiday Movie Should You Watch Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

Retreating into the safety of your nest is all you want to do. You try to stay out of other people`s way. If some thoughtless person inadvertently pushes your buttons, however, they`re likely to get far more than they bargained for. You can be quite a tiger when you`re backed into a corner, either real or imagined, and sometimes you aren`t as careful as you should be about assigning blame. Watching out for this tendency could avert any unpleasant situations.

Taurus Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

The speed at which you`re experiencing some surprising emotional shifts should give you pause. Knee-jerk reactions and split-second judgments almost always backfire, particularly when they`re based on half-truths and suppositions. You may have some underlying cause for concern, but temper your response -- otherwise it may be seen as way out of line and won`t help solve the problem.

Gemini Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023 

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023) 

No matter what the weather is like today, go outside -- at least for a while. You need some fresh air and an unobstructed view of the sky. Stretch your legs, exercise your heart and take deep breaths. Don`t get too involved in sedentary pursuits -- learn how to learn to balance the physical and the mental. You`ll be amazed at how even a brief reconnection with the fundamental life force recharges your batteries.

Cancer Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023) 

If you`re uncomfortable with this phase you`re going through, you may look for a quick fix to try to lift you out of the doldrums. If your solution involves a long-term financial commitment or a significant professional change, proceed cautiously. Be aware that the remedy may turn out to be far worse than the situation you`re trying to move beyond. Precipitous decisions are rarely in your best interests. This uncertainty will pass on its own without your intervention.

Leo Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

Sometimes when you`re feeling invulnerable and in control, your ego can blind you to potential trouble spots. Protect your flank. Substitute cunning for complacency. You don`t have to look for intrigues around every corner, but you do need to be aware that someone may be trying to pull one over on you. Pull your family into a protective circle and spend some quality time together.

Virgo Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

A hunger for finding some meaning in life beyond your usual day-to-day concerns could grip you. The urge could send you down unexplored paths. You may grope your way blindly for a while and could perhaps even stumble once or twice. However, in many ways, the search is its own reward. Stay true to your purpose despite obstacles and setbacks.

Libra Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)   

Skating along with little regard for nuance could cause you to miss an important opportunity. Fine-tune your antennae to pick up on minutiae that you can put to good use. Great ideas often spring from chance remarks about unfilled needs. You have the intellect and the skill to capitalize on such knowledge. A new pursuit could give you a fulfilling creative outlet. If you`re unwilling to share the credit, however, you won`t be able to share the work either.

Scorpio Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

Your sunny disposition warms everyone around you and draws admirers like cherry blossoms draw bees. You`ll be buzzing quite industriously yourself, filled with purpose and supremely confident. Now is the time to end the procrastination and try your hand at a new skill you`ve been wanting to learn. Free from fears of failure, take advantage of your self-assurance and jump in with both feet. You can`t win a race until you start running.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

Sunk in your own thoughts, you may be only peripherally aware of what`s going on around you. In fact, you may be so preoccupied that you bump into a table or bark your shin on a curb. Pull yourself out of dreamland when you get behind the wheel of the car, however. Inspired creative ideas may churn up from your subconscious. Don`t dismiss them without examining all the angles.

Capricorn Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023) 

You can get ahead professionally if you take the initiative to press forward with your ideas. You`ve laid all the groundwork and only have to convince others that you`re on the right track. If you need help, just ask. Others will be eager to lend assistance. If you encounter any resistance, looking at it objectively will give you the means to overcome it.

Aquarius Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)  

Almost as if two people with wildly divergent attitudes are having a tug-of-war inside your head. On the one hand, you long to be out with friends, indulging in mindless chatter and giving yourself over to small pleasures. On the other hand, you feel a powerful urge to seclude yourself for some intense soul searching. Impose your will on these dueling impulses and pick the one that`s right for now.

Pisces Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 December 2023  

(Wednesday, 20 December 2023)

Facing emotional issues is not on your top ten list of things to do today. Indulging in some temporary denial until you`re feeling stronger and more solidly put together could be in your best interest. Accordingly, avoid people who want to back you into a corner. They`re likely pushing their own agendas with little regard for yours. Your first priority right now is taking care of yourself.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Read More: Comfort Food You Should Eat According to Your Zodiac Sign

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here

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