Your Career Horoscope for March 18, 2025
The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
- Publish date: since 4 days

Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for March 18. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope
Aries Career Horoscope
After last week's eclipsing Full Moon in your work sector, there is a chance to let things settle and play out. Until the Moon returns to your career sector later in the week, there will be no more external influences and more importantly, none of the tension or intensity this may have created towards the end of the last working week. There is a lot to unpack and plenty of time.
Taurus Career Horoscope
While an ordinary monthly visit, the Moon's departure from your work sector yesterday has helped to get the new working week off to a positive start across the income, work and career fronts. Partly because this has left you more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware, but mainly because of the insight this has given you into Jupiter on the income and Pluto on the career front and their ongoing collaboration.
Gemini Career Horoscope
Just having the Moon in your work sector in the early part of the new working week is an advantage and that includes across the income, work and career fronts. However, having it here as Mars moves into his final month in your income sector, the Sun into his final two days in your career sector and the asteroid Juno just two days away from a retrograde turn that will see her return to your work sector next month, is a window into the evolving dynamics of this professional year.
Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign
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Cancer Career Horoscope
With Mercury still at a standstill after his retrograde turn in your career sector over the weekend and the asteroid Juno ahead of her retrograde turn in your work sector in two days, the professional gods have hit the pause button. Ahead of the Moon's return to your work sector just after Juno turns retrograde and the Sun's return to your career sector a few hours later, this gives you a chance first to hold back.
Leo Career Horoscope
In between last week's eclipsing Full Moon and its energising impact on the income and career fronts and the Moon's return to your work sector later in the week, there is a chance to take your foot off the gas and let things play out. Whatever last week's eclipsing Full Moon may have triggered, there are forces that can keep the momentum going, while it is later in the week that the Moon will make it easier to read between the lines and join the dots across the income, work and career fronts.
Virgo Career Horoscope
As well as leaving you with a better sense of where the money is, the Moon's departure from your income sector yesterday ended a valuable chance to test the waters across the income, work and career fronts. While a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your career sector and to Pluto in your work sector over the weekend was a given, since it was here four weeks ago both have become more stable, settled and back in their groove.
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Libra Career Horoscope
Two days before the Sun is due to leave your work sector and just as Mars moves into his final month in your career sector, the Moon is making a timely visit to your income sector. As well as getting the new working week off to a positive start across the income, work and career fronts, with the Sun aligned with the North Node and due to align with Neptune before leaving your work sector, this comes at a pivotal point in the year itself.
Scorpio Career Horoscope
Until the Sun returns to your work sector in two days, something that on the March equinox will always see the solar spotlight shift onto your work situation, job matters and options and onto the road ahead, there is a chance to focus instead on the rear view mirror. With Venus and Mercury both not only in retrograde motion here but due to retrograde back out next week and Mars still a month away from his return to your career sector, you can afford to hold back.
Sagittarius Career Horoscope
At the same time that the Sun's alignment with the North Node in your home and family sector peaks it is also directly opposite the South Node, the force that turned last week's Full Moon in your career sector into a total lunar eclipse. This is shining the solar spotlight into the heart of the lunar nodes policing of your work/life balance at a time when what has been unleashed on the job and career fronts will continue to play out and expand.
Read More: How to Decorate Your Home According to Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn Career Horoscope
With no planetary activity in your career sector, when the Moon left your career sector yesterday, this left it empty and it will remain empty until it comes around again in four weeks. The planets the Moon connected with on the income and job fronts as it moved through will continue to be the main drivers of this professional year, with the Moon's monthly return to your career sector enough to keep your professional instincts sharp.
Aquarius Career Horoscope
Having the Moon in your career sector as Mars moves into his final month in your work sector is just one of the advantages today. With the Sun just two days away from leaving your income sector and the asteroid Juno two days away from a retrograde turn that will see her return to your career sector next month, this is a chance to ensure your professional instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged at a pivotal point in this professional year.
Pisces Career Horoscope
With the asteroid Juno at a standstill ahead of her retrograde turn in your career sector in two days, Venus and Mercury both now in retrograde motion in your income sector and Mars a month away from his return to your work sector, you can afford to hold back. While the level of anticipation and reason for confidence across the income, work and career fronts is growing, the one thing that you have is time.