Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of September 28th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 22 September 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of September 22 to 28, 2024, is here.

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Find Your Perfect Match: we've arrived at Libra season, the sign of equal parts "you" and "me." Sunday also marks the equinox, a day of equal daylight and night, which is fitting for this sign of equality, justice, and fairness for all. Known as the original fence-sitter, Libra is famous for indecisiveness, so consider this your hall pass to weigh all options before making a move. When not taking bar exams or counseling you about your latest crush and civil rights, Libra is all about beauty, relationships, and enjoying good company. Draw up your dating, social, arts, and justice schedule, then call your bestie — it’s time to go out!

As the sun slips into your opposite sign of Libra this weekend, it marks your half-birthday, highlighting your one-on-one relationships. Equality is the key this month. If you feel below or above others—whether insignificant or with an inflated ego—it’s time to find balance. The trick is to see yourself in others, regardless of whether you rank them higher or lower, better or worse. This time of year offers perspective and harmony, so take the cosmic leap toward greater relationship bliss while continuing your personal mission. A charismatic yet diplomatic source of vitality is about to enter your life. Have a conversation and see what message you have for each other.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

The sun shines on your sphere of wellness and work during Libra season. Focus on being of service in your role while creating harmony and beauty in your relationships and environment. Recognition for your work or focusing on your clients, customers, or work-wife is a part of this area’s glow-up bundle. Stand out, let people know what you’re doing, and discuss ideas—collaboration goes a long way right now. In terms of wellness, approach your vitality with balance. A healthy mind, positive self-talk, and mindful attention to what you choose to focus on all count, so curate the best. Venus moves into your opposite sign, bringing relationships to a steamy intensity, so do some recon and ask tall, dark, and gorgeous out to see what they’re made of.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As the sun twirls into your sphere of dating and creative self-expression, leisure time becomes essential. You need space away from work and other demands to tune into what lights you up inside. That could be a creative writing project, a collaboration, organizing a bucket-list date, or getting lost in the latest rom-com. The moon passes through your sign from Sunday to Tuesday brunch, the perfect time to double down on communication, writing, catching up on the news, and, most importantly, discussing your feelings on one or one hundred hot topics. If journaling helps you process then type, voice-dictate, or write it out.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

A new solar season kicks off on Sunday with a focus on your domestic sphere. Since your sign is associated with this area of life, this should come as good news! The theme is harmony, equality in relationships, and creating a beautiful environment. This is an excellent time to continue a decorating or home improvement project you’ve been thinking about or have already begun. Make space for conversations, and keep them diplomatic—everyone has an opinion, so pass the talking stick. As the moon moves through your sign from Tuesday brunch to Thursday evening, gather family or friends for a cozy dinner at your place. Feel your feelings and lead with compassion.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Your ruling planet, the great and glorious Sun, kicks off this week with a bright new solar season. As it moves through Libra, its light supports you positively, especially in the arts and negotiations. Highlighting your local relationships and connections, this is your “gal about town” month. If you haven’t already, introduce yourself and get to know the people you cross paths with—work the room, even if it’s just the powder room. La Luna rolls through your sign from Thursday evening through the weekend, making it the perfect time to wear your heart on your sleeve, host a group dinner and show, or dress to impress for an engagement. Lead with your instincts, and you’ll stay ahead of the pack long after the sun sets on those who rely on external validation.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

That’s a wrap on your birthday season. On Sunday, the sun shifts from your sign to the next, marking the equinox. Your finances and values become a focal point for the next month, so take the time to review how you earn, invest, and spend. Can you balance your finances and align them with your values if adjustments are needed? As Mercury joins the sun in this sector, your mind will be full of bright ideas for creating wealth, project planning, and strategizing. Now is the time to promote yourself and your plans. A partner or collaborator might help drive things forward. In your local community, Venus brings pleasure through meeting and greeting, picking up a short course (or teaching one), and enjoying your neighborhood. Don’t take things at face value—look beneath the surface.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Happy birthday, Libra! It’s your season, and if you need a reason to celebrate, this is it! All things arts, relationships, beauty, and love are yours to adore and explore. Whether you’re an early, mid, or late-season Libran, unleash your inner culture vulture and go out with friends for an art show or bubbly with a view. With Mercury, the planet of communication, entering your sign from Thursday through mid-October, your mind is bright, ideas are popping, and your communication skills are on point. Call in the information and contacts you need—you’re more likely to find them now. Show up with your best foot forward, express yourself, and plan for the solar year ahead. Fantasy may obscure reality, so use your creative impulse to dream big, then ground yourself before taking action.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

A new solar season begins on Sunday, activating your sphere of dreams and collective consciousness. This is the perfect time to journal dreams and intuitions over the next four weeks, then reflect on the guidance or inner murmurs that emerge. If you’re a seeker, look within for answers and note what resonates in ways you can’t ignore. People often say the inner voice is quiet, but when it’s important (or impatient), it roars. Libra season favors polite conversation, while you prefer raw, unfiltered truth. Fortunately, Venus moves into your sign on Sunday through October 17, adding a layer of gritty depth to Libra’s charming appeal. This is your annual glow-up—perfect for photo shoots, updating your visuals or branding, and opening your heart to love, friendship, and connection in your unique style.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

From Sunday through the next month, the vitalizing Sun lights up your zone of friendships, groups, and peers. Those random people who intersect over a common niche interest—like astrology, snowboarding, or the secret life of Taylor Swift’s cat! Whatever it is, this is your month to find and connect with your tribe. Make the first move, respond to requests, and definitely attend parties. This is a social period that supports expanding your networks. As a multi-passionate sign, your interests range far and wide, so choose one or two to pursue significant traction with rather than scattering your efforts. Venus heads into your Zen zone from Sunday through October 17, so the pleasure principle will be found through solitary or mystic pursuits. Single? A dream, mystic, or mediumship group may harbor your perfect match—or at least Mr./Ms. Perfect for right now!

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

As we hit the equinox on Sunday, it marks the sun’s final quarter turn before your birthday season. Lighting up your career zone with themes of recognition and collaboration this season encourages you to prepare to bring home a project or goal. The key is to work as a dynamic duo, aiming for a fair outcome and paying attention to visual design aspects. Relationships are crucial—no one accomplishes anything big alone, though they may take all the credit! Professional partnerships are essential, so find the right balance for both parties and meet where your needs intersect. Venus moves into your social zone through October 17, so moody dinner lighting is a must. Pleasure is found in meeting people through friends or groups that share your interests. You might find your perfect match there, too!

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

The big picture is your focus this month as the sun lights up your sphere of international connections, travel, and study. This is a chatty, intellectual season where balance is key. Plan your dream trip, course, or what you want the world to know, and start making it happen, even if it’s just the first step. Publishing, ideas, and international culture (and laws) are all points of interest. Pick your focus and discuss it with a partner, collaborator, or friend. There are plenty of ways to pick up on cultural shifts—and with change comes opportunity. How can you respond? Women-only disco parties have been popping up worldwide to great success. Think about what you’d like to see, do, hear, or learn, then create or find it—and skill up.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

The autumn equinox is here, so take its cue and create balance and harmony in your life, especially in the areas of intimacy, metaphysical pursuits, and shared resources. These themes will be spotlighted for the next month, so take your time and dig deep into the guiding philosophy of your favorite art or social movement. Explore the psychology behind your favorite artist’s favorite artist (as coined by Pisces superstar Chappell Roan), your partner, or yourself. Learning or mastering a bridge to the intuitive or subconscious side of reality is always beneficial, so consider tarot, honing your psychic sensitivity, or something similarly worthy. With Venus moving into your sphere of international travel and culture, you’ll be happy planning a trip, hopping on a flight, or mingling with people from different cultures (and those sexy accents) than your own. Broaden your horizons and net works, Pisces.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments. To see the original article, click here