Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of September 21st

  • Publish date: Sunday، 15 September 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of September 15 to 21, 2024, is here.

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Catch a ride to the other side as eclipse season begins on Tuesday with a full harvest supermoon in watery Pisces. Balance themes around daily habits and material world chores with heightened empathy, dreams, and mystic fantasy. When you ask, “What would my best self do?,” what guidance comes to you from this nebulous space of knowing? This is your particle and wave moment, so tune in to the moon and remember there are many levels of reality happening all at once. Tend to both the mundane and subtle, emotional realms of your life for wholeness.

A full moon in your sphere of dreams could have your intuition dialed into the collective this week. Note what you pick up “in your waters,” as this one is steeped in the mystic and artistic. However, balance with the mundane to keep the cogs of your day turning. Channel the muses and escape through art, music, or meditation. After the full moon, La Luna glides through Aries on Wednesday morning through early Friday. Pick up the pace, take some time for yourself, and follow your gut instincts. This is the best time of the month to focus on self-care. What makes you feel nurtured and nourished? It might not be the standard, so do whatever is unique to you personally.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week’s full moon eclipse resets in your social sphere, so take note of what stirs in the pot under these dramatic skies. The zap zone is Tuesday, so perhaps it’s best to lie low rather than get caught up in someone else’s drama. Tune into gentle and transportive music, make some art, or drop into a contemplative mode to sail the seas of this watery wonderland. This full moon is in opposition to the sun lighting up your sphere of personal pursuits. Consider how a pastime, a talent, or your leisure-time choices underpin the way you engage with friends, peers, and group interests in general. These two parts of your life are interdependent, so give them equal energy. Enjoy simple pleasures as the moon rolls through your sign on Friday and Saturday.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week your career and public image sphere is the full-moon-eclipse zap zone. While a regular moon tends to reveal and push underlying emotions to the surface, the eclipse amplifies the story. This may be a grand finale period, or one in which you’re keenly aware of what’s hot and what’s not in this area of your life. Perhaps a gentler, empathetic, spiritual, or artistic edge to your work will nourish your soul. Keep an eye on themes arising over the week, as they tend to appear in the lead-up. These might be external events, your reactions to them, or completely your own inner journey. Take a walk on the intuitive side, and don’t try to demand proof, logic, or a rational explanation. That’s not the level this one operates on. “Let go and let Goddess,” as I like to say!

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s a water baby’s world this week as the full moon peaks in sister water sign Pisces on Tuesday. Transcend everyday emotions and take them to a higher state, as this one draws out nebulous feelings and sensitivity. This call to oneness comes with an interesting reset, as an eclipse dims the full lunar beams. Dissolve any stagnant emotions and let them go. In your zone of philosophy, learning, and travel, this could have you planning a trip somewhere mystical, googling mediumship courses, or reaching a new understanding in your outlook. Draw on your highest ideals and implement them in your local time and space, it’s time to walk your talk.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

La Luna snaps out the light as it peaks full and bright on Tuesday. In your sphere of intimacy and psychological depths, this one may see you dissolving a barrier or transcending to a new level, personally or with someone special. Perhaps it’s about letting go, or opening up to a new or higher love. Art through a shared approach could be rewarding, and you’ll benefit from others' resources. Balance by maintaining clear boundaries around what’s yours, and be sure your own resources are tended as well. The bottom line is about doing the work, being paid fairly, and continuing to support your interests. Lean into your practical ideas and expertise as a base for your creative gifts and see how far you can take a project or idea.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

The full moon eclipse on Tuesday marks a hard reset on all things one-on-one. In your opposite sign of sensitive Pisces, this one calls for a balance between your direction and practical details versus partnerships. Perhaps boundaries have been too porous, or it’s time to open up to love. Go with the adjustment that will lift you to another level. Collaborations, dynamic duos, and the perfect dreamy partnership are all up for reconfiguring. In the week leading up to this full moon, a theme or hot topic will bubble up from your depths. What’s the message? How can you tweak a belief, refine an approach, or open up to someone else? On the flip side, escapist tendencies may not benefit you. Be sure to lean into your mystic or artistic side and make your downtime support, not suppress, your spirit.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Your work and wellness zone hosts this week’s full moon. Note any drama or perhaps a general lack of clarity. This one is highly nebulous and foggy, so go with the artistic flow and lean into your intuitive side. Sensitivity is at an all-time high, which is great for creative projects, empathy, or getting to know someone better while everyone’s guard is down. Thanks to an eclipse, a hard reset is suggested. Where are you likely to flip the switch on a habit, routine, or duty that has run its course? Maybe it’s time to buy a collection of crystal bowls and chant some oms before work, swim 10 laps, or zen out with a good book when you get home. Journal your fantasies and tap into your creative muse for an inspirational download.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Lighten up and lift off as a full moon eclipse occurs in your sphere of time off and play. In the sign of fantastical Pisces, this is a hyper-creative week with a reset to get you to the next level. Super watery, sensitive, and full of all the feels, it’s perfect for flipping the switch on romantic ideals and beliefs as well. Dissolve any emotional armor or hardened callouses around your heart and let it wash away. Pisces is a water sign like you, so this one flows right into your heart if you let it. Thanks to the eclipse, it’s a wild card, but you enjoy a little risk and drama. Go with the rapids, face the feelings that come up, and swim to the other side of them. Make art and love, not war, this week, Scorpio.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Set up your mystic corner and stack the tarot, astrology, and mindfulness apps as the full moon lights up your domestic sphere. With an attendant eclipse, this one hits the “lights off” button, so notice what stirs in your depths in response. This is a foggy, unclear energy, which is why it’s so well-suited for contemplation, creativity, and oracular divination over rational reasoning. Watch for energy leaks—both physical and emotional—while avoiding toxins. Balance by grounding yourself and getting organized in your career and public image. Do the small, fiddly tasks you tend to avoid, and get them out of the way. Adapt to changes at home, and create change where needed. Eclipses can open new doors or throw up surprises, so roll with it and adapt to suit the best-case scenario.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Local activity and connections are highlighted as the full moon peaks with an eclipse in this zone. Changes in existing relationships or the start of a new one may seem a little chaotic, but that’s eclipse season for you. Notice who is just a little too much for your sensibilities right now, and who is like a cooling agent, inspiring you to be the best version of yourself. If you’ve been curious about joining a local group, this could be the calling card you need to get started. Balance this area with higher ideals—take inspiration from larger frameworks and philosophies, and apply it locally.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Eclipse season begins on Tuesday with a full moon in your sphere of values, finances, and personal belongings. How are you feeling about your resources? What is the emotional tone you’re responding to or emanating? This vibe is super “woo,” and for such a material zone, that could be more than you’re comfortable with. However, quantum physics is science-based and proving some really out-there theories about reality. So stay with it, and consider the energetic or subtle underpinnings of physical reality when it comes to resources. Your vibe attracts your tribe, and perhaps there’s truth to that when it comes to belongings and wealth. This could be a chance to clear out, reset, or shift how you feel about this area. What themes have come up over the previous week?

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

This Tuesday evening’s full moon eclipses in your sparkling sign, so this one has your name on it. Consider the major themes showing up in your life as we build toward this momentous supermoon. It’s particularly dreamy, so schedule time to fantasize, float, contemplate, and lose yourself in art, spirituality, or romance. As the moon eclipses, it’s like a major reset on one aspect of your life that you’re done with or have completed. Tick it off, and walk through to the next scene, level, or direction that’s calling. What might be in its final chapter, or could that be an awakening? Write your acceptance speech to the cosmos for the daily gifts you receive and for a goal you’re working toward.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here