Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of December 30th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 24 December 2023

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of December 24 to December 30, 2023, is here, and the holiday hangover might linger a little longer than expected.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Between the end of Christmas and the astrology of the new year, it feels like a cosmic waiting room this week as we count the hours to the start of 2024. While it would be nice to relax, a significant emotional revelation is on the horizon during the final full moon of the year. In astrology, full moon cycles mark the culmination of an emotional truth and can reveal hidden secrets and information that answer lingering questions in your mind. You can plan on some tears during this lunation; luckily, not all of them will be sad. There is also an opportunity to heal some past familial wounds and choose forgiveness.

On the same day as the full moon in Cancer, Chiron will station direct in Aries, inviting you to step back into the light. This retrograde cycle represents wounds of confidence, freedom, and independence. For the last several months, you've contended with your people-pleasing ways and introspected on the areas of your personal development that need the most care. Whether it was fixing your internal dialogue or confronting your imposter syndrome, you've been working to reframe your vision of self. Now, as Chiron station is direct under the full moon in Cancer, your healing journey will find its completion. You've gained confidence cultivated from within and can't be challenged by external forces. Allow this newfound authority to carry your plans boldly into the new year.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Relationships have been hard for you to understand this year, Aries. Thankfully, the full moon in Cancer is giving you a new perspective to view things. You’re so used to being a provider for others that it’s difficult for you to be soft and allow loved ones to pour into you. Chiron retrograde in your sign has been a lesson in self-love, and part of that journey has been accepting the truth that nobody gets to where they’re going alone. 2024 promises a year of stronger bonds and deeper connections, so use the full moon in Cancer this week to release your ego attachments.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

2024 is about moving on from the places you’ve been and embracing the start of something new. This is a bittersweet transition for you, Taurus, as you prefer to move at your own pace. Chiron retrograde in Aries has had you clashing with the powers that be and possibly even questioning your own competency from time to time. However, the stars have big plans for you next year, so use the full moon in Cancer this week to sort through any conflicting feelings you have about the change in the winds. Try as you might, you can’t control everything in your life. Sometimes, it’s better to let go and let it flow.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

You’ve had just about enough friend drama in the last couple of months to last a lifetime, Gemini; luckily, this week's full moon is a chance to put it all to bed. The conflict might be over, but your feelings are probably still pretty sore. Take this time to feel sorry for yourself and grieve all of the plans that got cut short due to conflict and diverging paths. Not everyone can come with you into the new year, and as Chiron stations direct in Aries, you’re learning to be thankful for the people who only played a brief role in your story so you can move on to something more aligned.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

This week will call you to spend more time with the women in your life, Cancer. Whether that’s bonding time with your mother, a holiday dinner with your girlfriends, or taking your wife out for a spontaneous dinner date, you’re in some serious need of quality bonding time. The pressure of Chiron retrograde in Aries has been putting a strain on your pride these last few months, stirring up emotions of anger and frustration. It can be so easy to pity ourselves when, in reality, all we need is a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. Reject the urge to isolate yourself this week and reach out to your support system instead.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

This week is a good opportunity to think about the kind of impression you wanna make in the new year, Leo. The full moon in Cancer will have you doing some serious self-reflecting, possibly on the parts of your personality that you’re not too proud of. It takes a lot of self-awareness and humility to call yourself out – all that’s left to do is make a plan for how you’re going to bring the best version of yourself to 2024. This is a good week to get into some work and meditation. With Chiron’s retrograde ending, you have an opportunity to tap into some raw honesty that has not been accessible to you up until this point.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Mercury might still be retrograde, Virgo, but this week’s full moon in Cancer is a tipping point that might send you into starting your New Year’s resolutions early. You’re just so emotionally invested in the plan you have–you don’t want to wait! The good news is that there’s no wrong time to totally transform your life, and Chiron’s retrograde ending will give you the confidence you need to make a bold strike. Just be mindful that until the start of 2024, Mercury's retrograde could throw off your groove. Think of this as the planning phase, a chance for you to experiment and try things out before you really get going.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

This week is gonna be a weird one for you, Libra. You might feel like you’re forgetting something, and the anticipation will be killing you leading up to the full moon. Here’s a hot tip: the thing you’re forgetting to do is relax! You’re always using your brain power to anticipate the next problem before it happens. With Chiron stationing direct in Aries, it’s a reminder that you steal a lot from yourself and the quality of your life by not letting yourself enjoy the moments when they’re good. Stop creating problems where they don’t exist, and enjoy and revel in everything you were able to accomplish this year. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Money troubles have been making you worried for the last few weeks, but it’s okay; you’ve been on top of things. Good news will come your way during the full moon in Cancer. Expect a long overdue resolution for an issue or possibly new information that will change things significantly. Chiron‘s retrograde in Aries was a test of managing your anger during situations that are outside your control. Now that the cycle is coming to a close, you’re being reminded that no matter what life throws in your way, you’re smart, savvy, and capable enough to find a solution and continue even when trouble is around.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Although things might have changed externally for you, Sagittarius, you're still adapting to this new lifestyle internally. The emotional full moon in Cancer is your chance to get rid of any insecurities that are nagging at you and saying you don’t deserve where you’ve gotten. You did the work, and we’re deemed exceptional! Now, Chiron’s retrograde ending is your chance to confront your fear of being the authority. There is a worry that you’ll lose part of yourself by transitioning to something more traditional in your life, but the astrology of this week is a reminder that innovation happens at all stages of life. And you’re the one who chooses where to create change.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn, you might feel the pressure of time as we approach the end of the year. There’s obviously a lot to do in your physical world, and this week's full moon in Cancer is a chance to clean house. Limit yourself to three key things you want to get done, and use what little energy Mercury retrograde hasn’t stolen from you to finish strong. With Chiron retrograde ending, it's also the perfect time to have that heart-to-heart you’ve been putting off. This transit can be empowering but requires you to face your wounds so you can engage with your partner honestly.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Most of the time, you can't stand the idea of waiting or procrastinating because of whatever the stars are up to, but this week, it would be advantageous for you to press pause on making big decisions. The full moon in Cancer is your friendly reminder that real success in life exists in the moments we create for ourselves. Embrace the beauty of life as it unfolds around you. Chiron retrograde in Aries was a reminder not to rush into action before you're ready, as the anticipation can fuel your fire. Part of experimenting is also having fun, so don't work yourself too hard during this holly jolly season.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Your psychic side is coming to full light this week, Pisces. The full moon in Cancer is your chance to commune with your spirit guides and get a clear message about whatever situation is bothering you. Release judgment, let your words flow freely, and see what divinely channeled message awaits you. Chiron stationing direct in Aries will be a moment of clarity for your closest bonds. It’s time to take everything into consideration and weigh the impact of all of your experiences up to this point. Is it time to end things for good, or can the pieces be transformed?

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here