Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of August 3rd

  • Publish date: Sunday، 28 July 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Your horoscope for the week of July 28 to August 3, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

In the run-up to another Mercury retrograde, we’re deep in the pre-retro-shade segment called the setup. This setup scenario will revisit during the retrograde, then stand for correction during the final pass. That could be in your communications or the thing that ‘once you see it, you can’t unsee it.’ Consciousness-raising through reflection and sharing our stories is vital for empowerment because we’re united when we stand together. And maybe that’s what this retrograde is about. Chiron is the planet known as the wounded healer, currently in Aries and bringing up all manner of wounding around independence, assertiveness, and brilliant leading ladies. As it heads into its annual retrograde on Friday, this is a chance to review where you could take your foot off the brake, throw out the outdated playbook, and lead the charge. It’s Leo season: be bold, be determined, and most of all, be proud of what makes you, you!

For the love of Aphrodite, it’s Leo season and your sphere of self-expression and romantic grand gestures is lit. Make the call, go on the date, say hi to that cute person you just locked eyes with. It’s summer, but you don’t have to sweat it; just remember—nothing ventured, nothing gained. Spark joy in all of your favorite ways. Mercury is the planet of communications, currently in pre-retro-shade in your sphere of routines, wellness, and work. It will backtrack into your zone of self-expression, so you may need to revisit the source of your creativity and inspiration. Note your feelings and experiences around that at this time, as it will come up over the retrograde. Could your health do with a streamlined regime? Is it time to shift an aspect of your work environment, how you communicate, or how you approach it? Take notes, and add the fix after late August.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury jaunts through your sphere of love and leisure, note any indications that you need a vibe change. Since Mercury will retrograde in this area from next week, it’s best to flag it now so you don’t dismiss any telltale signs in the run-up. It may be related to analysis, pursuing optimal health as your idea of a good time, or the way you’ve been conducting your romantic life or communications in general. Mars is the planet of energy and action, currently making an assertive stride through your zone of finance and income. You might split your time and interests between two options or streams of income, or have energy to burn so you can pitch, apply, and follow new leads. There are so many apps and platforms to connect you with all varieties of work and customers; explore them if you’re curious to see some options. Or, create your own!

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As mighty Mars moves through your sign, the air is swirling and you have a veritable tornado of energy at your disposal. Don’t just blow it in scattered conversation or scrolling. What direction are you taking? Map it out so you stay on track. This is a great time for self-assertion and putting your ideas and words into action. It’s also a perfect time to take up a physical pursuit to release some steam. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will swing back into retrograde next week, retracing the steps it’s taking this week. So the first act, the setup scenario, is due before then. Take note of what that might be. You tend to adapt easily to changes; however, this one is a challenging aspect for your sign with a focus on health and the useful application of information. Don’t cut corners; do attend to detail.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

With Mars, the planet of action and energy, in your sphere of dreams and zen, it’s time to get plenty of rest to recharge your batteries. Take a gentle yet active approach to winding down; try long yin yoga stretches or a slow walk to get tension out of your body. Give your mind plenty of time to settle, and consider writing your thoughts and ideas out so they’re not swirling around your mind. You may take action in service of others, which you’ll find greatly rewarding. Mercury will be backtracking from next week, so note what topics in your sphere of local social connections, siblings, and short trips are up for review. What’s ready for an upgrade or fresh direction? Are you ready to take on a short course to level up your skills?

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Well, we did warn the country that Leo season comes with its fair share of dramatic events, and it’s delivering, because the show must go on! The positive vibe shift your sign brings doesn’t disappoint; I hope you’re piling the fuel on your own fires of vitality and making space for your dreams to thrive. If you need to eke out time to pursue your own creative or meaningful direction, consider ways of doing so and they are more likely to appear. Chat to your friends or experts in the field; they could have some insider tips or even connections. Mercury is in pre-retro-shade in your sphere of values, income, and resources you use to make money. Next week it begins its backtrack and will dip back into your sign, so this one is significant. Note rethinking your income and possessions in alignment with your top values. Self-expression and leadership, anyone?

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Your ruling planet is back on home turf as it moves slowly through your sign toward its retrograde U-turn next week. Take your time to consider all options, reflect before responding, and know that a theme from mid-August to Monday may be revisited to be revised. This is not the time to sign on a dotted line; better to reread the fine print first. If anything is NQR (not quite right), then flag it, because it may come up again. More on the retrograde next week, so remember to check back then. With Mercury in your sign, it suggests your ability to express yourself through various forms of communication is heightened. The urge to analyze and overthink ratchets up for some, so give yourself a time out from analytics, critiques, and generally crunching information. Set aside time for unwinding, nature, and simple pleasures.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

As Leo season progresses, your social sphere is lit up. Get out and mingle, connect with people who share your interests, and stand up to be counted. Fun and dramatic flair win the day, so entertain your adoring circle and consider organizing events or meetups. Mars in your sphere of international travel, politics, and philosophy could have you feeling energized over the wild winds of change in politics right now or events in the international arena. Libra is associated with fairness, justice, and the law, so it’s a natural landscape to be drawn to, or at least it’s a good time to keep tab on particular topics. Find your niche or take inspiration you can turn to action with decisive language, explainers, or a commitment to further study or practicing the principles you hold dear. Mercury will be retrograde in your sphere of sleep, dreams, and the collective consciousness from next week, so a new approach to this area is on the cards.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Career and your public-facing part of life may be particularly demanding over Leo season. You know you want to shine bright for all to see. But there’s that Scorpio element that prefers to be the power behind the throne. What to do? Well, you’re going to have to show up on the radar, Scorpio. Get your work out there, network, and do it all with pride. Think of Beyoncé breaking into country music with aplomb. Don’t make other people’s issues your own, and get out of your own way too. Mercury in your social zone suggests groups and friendships will undergo change over the upcoming retrograde. Note what comes up this week. Mars in your sphere of sex and secrets? Well…less talk, more action. Channel some energy into a combined project or your interest in all things metaphysical by participating.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Mars represents the warrior and is in your opposite sign of Gemini. Activating your sphere of one-to-one relationships, don’t give in to the lower sign of the muscled-up twins. That means avoid dust-ups, but don’t be assertive, take initiative, and lead. Channel your energy constructively and expect your significant other to be stating their own direction and desires while you state yours too. A chatty friend could show up—or a new possibility if you’re single or looking. With Gemini, things happen in pairs, so combining energy and initiative might be better than going solo. Mercury in your career zone and about to do the moonwalk backward suggests that a rebrand is due, a new approach to what you’re putting out there, work or a project. What could do with reconfiguring, you’ll have clue one by the end of the week.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

If, like most of those fortunate to be born under your sign, you thrive on a good workload and schedule, your luck is in abundance, as is the work! There are opportunities to be gathered and more to be made as Jupiter, the lucky planet, sprinkles its magic in your sphere of wellness and work. You may easily overdo it, so maintain your health habits to get you through. It’s work and wellness after all. Mars in this sphere suggests you have energy and pluck to direct into this part of your life. Once you’ve experienced a workplace or assignment, you might see how you could cut out the middle man and go into business or a side hustle for yourself. Mercury in your sphere of big-picture concepts and study has you taking the bird’s-eye view. Pick out the most actionable ideas you see on the landscape and put them to work.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

There’s a lot of drama all of a sudden, and that’s completely on brand for Leo season. Everything is larger than life, loud, bold, and ready to take on that leadership mantle. Your collected, cool approach could provide some welcome detachment with a few explainers thrown in. And that’s just what balances your one-to-one sector right now. Mars is heating up your dating and leisure zone in a speed-dating kind of way. Well, what are you waiting for? If you’re already happily ensconced, get out on active and social dates to spark the spice of life. Try out a physical outlet for fun—fencing, anyone? Mercury in your sphere of intimacy and metaphysics will retrograde next week, so note what catches your attention for course-correcting or a fresh approach.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Mercury, the planet of communication, is traveling through your opposite sign of Virgo. Bringing a balance to your sign with practical realities and useful info, one-to-ones are messengers. What does the mirror of your relationships tell you about yourself, who is sharing influence, and how might you be contributing to what you experience back? Cultivate who you spend time with and how. Keep it practical over the next couple of months. Mercury will retrograde next week, so what are you ready for a fresh take on with boo and bestie? Energetic Mars in your sphere of domesticity is anything but domestic bliss and more of party vibe. Throw a gathering and consider a strong theme: #bratsummer, anyone? Get opulent, luxurious, dramatic, and entertaining—it’s Leo season! Nothing is too over-the-top for midsummer mayhem.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here