Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of August 31st

  • Publish date: Sunday، 25 August 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of August 25 to August 31, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

As we stroll further into Virgo season, this is the perfect time to pack away some summer items and prepare for changeable temperatures. Virgo is all about being organized and ahead of the game, with a run sheet and a light cardigan just in case. Need to get things done? Take a cue from this practical, efficient sign and plan. Write lists, check them off, and hold yourself accountable. Mercury is hot to go as it finishes its retrograde in fiery Leo on Wednesday. Take what you’ve learned about communication and course correct. That could mean saying more "no's," more "yes's," or finding confidence in your own creative voice, no matter what comes your way! Love, aesthetics, and fair play are heaven-sent as Venus wafts through jasmine-scented Libra.

As Mercury spins out of retrograde in your romance and leisure zone, it’s time to call that cutie, book a cruise, or sign up for a creative arts class. If love zombies from the past resurfaced in person or while you were reminiscing, consider the message. What were you reminded of or taught? On the positive side, think about what you want to do more of, or on the negative side, what not to repeat—because once is more than enough! Venus in your opposite sign of Libra suggests a charming, gorgeous, or artsy type in your vicinity. This is a highly beneficial time to enjoy the company of your bestie, your partner, or simply spend one-on-one time with someone special. Savor your interactions and schedule them to make the most of it. Get closer, bond over music, arts, and love.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

The moon in your sign through late Sunday suggests the mood is ripe for spending time in nature, having a picnic, or doing some stock-taking, so get the calculator out and count those incomings and outgoings. On Wednesday, Mercury breaks out of its current retrograde, bringing clarity to a home-based issue or project; the way forward is here, so move with it. Set up your creative space, get the storage sorted, or paint the front door yellow to welcome wealth—whatever it is, it’s go time. As Venus, your ruling planet, changes signs once again, the benefits flow into your work and wellness sphere. Communications, dynamic duos, and an upgrade to your space will all soothe your soul. Spend time connecting and building relationships in this area, and keep it as convivial as possible.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

La luna lights up your sign on Monday and Tuesday, making it the perfect time to talk about how you feel, journal to get clarity, or channel some artistic inspiration into a writing project. With a sigh of relief from most Geminis, Mercury switches out of retrograde on Wednesday in your sphere of local connections. What are you doing differently here? Exploring? Getting to know people? Taking a short course, perhaps? Venus heading into sister air sign Libra is a welcome treat. As the planet of love enters your romance and creativity sphere, it supports making the most of your ‘me’ time. Schedule dates, fun, and activities that you adore. This is a wonderful time to connect with someone special who shares your interests, so frequent places where like-minded people gather.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

The moon in your sign from Wednesday through Friday lunchtime is best for getting in touch with your feelings, connecting from the heart, and spending time with family or close friends. Got an entrepreneurial interest? Use your gut instincts to make all the right moves. Mercury switches direction in your sphere of money and resources, so take action after reviewing your income and expenses. It may also indicate that your creative ideas are the core of what you earn money from, so value that talent. What has become clear over the last three weeks? On Thursday, Venus switches into your sphere of local connections, short trips, and courses. This is a particularly favorable time to meet people in your area, so focus on arts, beauty, or even a political interest since the heat is turning up and the popcorn is popping!

Leo Weekly Horoscope

If there’s something we can rely on, it’s that anything imbued with the bright energy of Leo is never boring and rarely goes unnoticed! This week, Mercury ends its retrograde as it slowly turns direct in your sign. We all must admit that under Leo’s various auspices, life has been dramatic lately, with a few unexpected twists of fate. Politics is off the hook, fashion is fast, and culture is clashing! Reflect on what you might be rerouting in terms of communication or how you frame your own outlook and thoughts as the trickster planet edges back into direct motion and business as usual. Strike up local connections as Venus heads into your sphere of local relationships and learning. Single? ‘The one’ could be right under your nose!

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Your birthday season continues with love and appreciation flowing to you in rivers of recognition for all that you bring to your relationships and work. Now say it with me: Amp up your positive self-talk and mottos—they charge your energy and prime you for positivity. As the Sun highlights your sign, plug in for vitality and verve. Your ruling planet Mercury is finally out of retrograde on Wednesday, so let a new outlook or approach settle in and become clear. In your sphere of dreams and the subconscious, this is a great time to take stock and really digest the past year. Journal, channel the creative muses, and see what you come up with. Venus in your financial sphere is all about bringing in wealth for your worth, so polish up your self-esteem and align with your values as you perfect your pitch, raise your prices, or apply for something new.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Let’s start with the best news: you’re having your ‘Venus return’! Venus is your ruling planet, so it’s at peak performance in your sign from Thursday through September 22. Glamour, beauty, enjoying relationships, and of course getting the balance right are all important. The glow-up is real under this particular combo, so go with the urge to build on your personal or business profile. Arts as well as justice and law are features of Libra, so lean into areas that attract you and align with your values. Love, beauty, and abundance are all around you; to activate them, notice with gratitude, no matter how small or large. Mercury pulls out of retrograde midweek, finally setting things straight in your Zen zone. That thing you couldn’t quite put your finger on will become clearer over the next week, so keep tabs on your inner voice through journaling.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury slows down for its U-turn out of retrograde, a change of approach in your career and public sphere is ready to be actioned. This may be as simple as a creative tweak or an overhaul, or it might involve hiring a speech and presentation coach if you’re in the public eye. Reflect on the last three weeks for realizations about using your authentic voice and creative ideas. How about some self-promotion so people know what you want and what you’re offering? No spin is too loud or lettering too bold under these skies! As Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, heads into your Zen zone on Thursday, it’s time to boujie up your sleeping quarters. Flowers by the bed to scent the night breeze? Yes, please. Bring the beauty in so it feels tranquil, welcoming (to you), and restful.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s time to switch from rethinking travel and study plans or an overarching M.O. to actually rerouting or course-correcting. As Mercury spins out of retrograde in this department, get back in touch with the source of your inspiration and creativity. It’s time to spread your wings and fly toward what lights up your creative mind. That could mean starting up your podcast, featuring others, connecting more broadly, or writing that novel! Practice makes perfect, so get rolling or sign up for a course if you need structure and deadlines. Venus in your social sphere from Thursday is your hall pass and a reminder to say yes to those invitations, go out on your own, and catch up with friends. This is a great time to meet people, so get out and about!

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

With Mercury retrograde finally ending midweek, check in with your intimate life. How is your communication? Is there anything that needs to be said or shared? What could use some course-correcting to move you forward? Are you speaking from your heart? It’s time. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, shifts into your career and public image zone on Thursday. This is the perfect time to polish up your visual identity across social media and sharpen your look to convey that you mean business. Relationships tend to be particularly enjoyable under these skies, so find the pleasure principle in each one. Consider all perspectives for balanced and fair outcomes as you network and connect with others. It’s a great week for opening up to possibilities!

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

As Mercury spins out of retrograde in your opposite sign, what have you revisited in your relationships department? Any love zombies from the past haunting your thoughts or DMs? Over the past three weeks, going backward to go forward has been the new black. Now it’s time to act on any insights, with your heart firmly on your sleeve, passionately loud and proud. Conversations and one-on-one connections are ground zero for a new approach to interpersonal communication, vital info, or a new intellectual connection. This is a romantic time if you’re partnered or dating—write love notes, whisper sweet nothings, and celebrate milestones with an attitude of gratitude. Venus in your sphere of higher education, travel, and international connections is easily pleased with foreign locations, arts, and law. This is your culture vulture moment, so be inspired.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Your work and wellness sphere hosts Mercury as it spins out of retrograde midweek. What are you course-correcting or changing your approach on? It could be a project or how you communicate at work. Paris Hilton advised that we don’t need to be an heiress to act like one, so walk into every room like you’re worth a million bucks. That’s a Midas attitude that turns situations into gold. Try it and note the response. As for wellness, if you’ve been researching, now is the time to make the call, book a group session, or put all the elements together for at least one positive new habit. That includes a cheerleading self-celebration motto! Venus in your zone of psychology, intimacy, and other people’s resources suggests a very nice time this month, so don’t hold back on embracing the pleasure principle!

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here