Your Weekly Horoscope: Week of August 10th

  • Publish date: Sunday، 04 August 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Your horoscope for the week of August 4 to 10, 2024, is here.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Sunday kicks off a fresh lunar cycle with the new moon in regal Leo. Set your intentions around a gold standard in personal self-expression. Confidence? Check! As Mercury swings back into retrograde, this is your reminder to triple-check everything and take a practical and adaptive approach to communication. That way, if a curveball comes in, you’re ready to bat. Clean lines and good manners are everything as Venus, the planet of love and beauty, heads into Virgo, the sign of perfection. Keep it practical, polite, and helpful to win hearts and minds—and make sure others match your efforts!

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

As la luna pulls into a new moon formation, it’s time to reset your vows to your creativity, promise of leisure, and personal self-expression. What do you want to excel at? This applies to your romantic and dating life as well. Entertainment and fun may be specifically on the agenda, and why not keep an open mind about fame and fortune? There are various forms of fame and celebrity, and one is from following a passion and igniting others from there. Stay centered in that burning flame within you and use it as a pilot light to guide you. Keep your flame lit and burning, Aries. Venus shifts gears into your work and wellness sphere, suggesting this is where you meet and express love, beauty, and desire. Stay humble, be indispensable, and cultivate your professional relationships. With Mercury Retrograde, you’ll need to adapt and make some changes. Check those emails before hitting send!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

With a new moon in your domestic sphere, set up a lavish ritual, clear your space, and set your intentions for the next twelve months. What do you want to achieve on the home front? Family, decor, your inner world, and foundations? Go luxury or forget it? In the sign of Leo, it’s all about the well-appointed bold statement and hosting. As a material earth sign, perhaps a space that can double as a money maker would suit your tastes. Consider how you can monetize your resources so they pay for themselves. If there is resistance to growth, reflect on what that might be. Venus, your ruling planet, strikes a scene change, pivoting into your leisure and romance sphere. Enjoy a health and nutrition challenge as a love language and plant a herb patch as an ideal date. Mercury retrograde in the same area suggests a change of mind, so review to renew your interests.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Sunday’s new moon in your sphere of local connections is perfect for setting intentions around what you want to experience, who you want to meet, and where you want those relationships to go. Consider ways of orchestrating a stronger network. It could be around a creative community or local endeavor like an amateur theatre, writing, or running group. Short course to amp a talent? Just do it. But first, your ruling planet Mercury about-faces and will retrograde from your domestic zone back into this sphere, so do your due diligence. Take care of the detail you might normally skip; it will pay off, and you won’t have to redo it later. Check your communication, back up your data, and check your recipient is correct before hitting send on messages, calls, or invitations.

Read More: How to Dress According to Your Zodiac Sign

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Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Your values and financial sphere host this Sunday’s new moon in outrageous Leo, so go big with your intentions and plans for this sector. Write a list of up to ten intentions you’re ready to welcome into your life over the next six months to a year. And be sure you take action to get the ball rolling. A lavish lifestyle can call for bold moves to make it happen; this is the engine room. Feed that furnace with willpower and purpose. Venus settles into your local sphere of community connections on the same day, while Mercury swings back into retrograde on Monday. It’s time to notice and enjoy the exchanges with people around you, especially from those in service. This sphere deserves a fresh take, so look through the eyes of a tourist seeing your favorite haunts, and meeting locals for the first time. You’ll find some hidden gems!

Leo Weekly Horoscope

New moon, new you as la luna resets in your sign on Sunday. This is one of the best moments to double down on your intentions around self-expression, joy, direction, and what you’re ready to create and experience over the next year. Aim for a major milestone or fruition at the six-month mark as this part of the cycle culminates in the full moon in Leo. Venus exits your sign stage right, heading into your values and finance sphere; it’s all in the detail. Spend on something useful that maintains its value or makes money. If you’re the gift register type, they could be along these lines for birthday baes. Mercury retrograde in your finance sector could have you going back to the drawing board on details, so catch up on any updates you might have missed or research what you need for a new project, opportunity, or side hustle.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Sunday’s new moon in your Zen zone suggests tending your inner sanctum. Sleep, rest, and your mystic or artistic side are all up for fresh intention setting. Get some extra zzz’s. With Venus hitting up your sign from Sunday through August 31, you benefit from the aura this beauty Queen bestows. Earthy, practical, and humble win the day. This is a great time to double down on appreciating your connections and relationships, go for that glow-up (because it’s happening anyway), and charm your way in or out of a certain situation. Your attractor factor is on high, so choose what or who you want, and sort suitors according to your personal values. Mercury hits reverse in your sign, so communication could be a little out of whack. What may need a review and course correction, upgrade, or new approach? Over the next few weeks, you’ll gain clarity.

Read More: The Best Places to Travel Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Libra Weekly Horoscope

A fresh take on your social side, Libra? With this weekend’s new moon in fun-loving Leo activating this sector, it’s time to set your intentions for your social calendar. Reflect on the last year, and how you’d like to move forward, develop, entertain, and be entertained. Perhaps there’s some leadership, hosting, or holding the band together. What do you want to experience, share, or accomplish? Set a target for six months, then the final goal for this time next year. Mercury is retrograde again. This time in your Zen zone, so revisit and review your sleep arrangements, how you take time to digest experience and information, and your connection to the numinous. Venus into this zone suggests time out and in your own company helps you recenter in what you love and value.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Your career zone is super public, and this Sunday a new moon is your moment to set your intentions around what you plan to achieve here over the next year. ‘Get up, dress up, and show up’ may be one way of approaching it, regardless of the details. ‘The show must go on’, is another. Write a list of up to ten items you’ll be calling in and aim for fruition in six months, with the entire goal or step completed this time next year. This lunation is under the sign of Leo, so it’s ok to put on a spectacular show and control that public image to maintain some privacy. Venus moving through your social sphere suggests you’ll be seeing more friends and groups this month. Accept invitations, hold a soirée, join a group event, or hold one to dig down into the anatomy of a common interest. Mercury retrograde suggests you’ll need to shift gears or direction in group dynamics and attend to service or detail within them.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

A new moon in the sister fire sign Leo is the perfect time to review your travel, study plans, and international connections. This is a creative and hedonistic sign that loves to party as much as you do, so call in the fun and fanfare if you feel you’ve dropped the ball. It’s never too late to get that pep in your step if you’ve become a little too serious. Another approach may be to add a dash of leadership to your sometimes scattered interests or style. Stand up the front and teach as you learn, or package your knowledge in a way regular folk can digest it. Set your intentions and plans in line with your overarching goals in life so you continue toward them. Venus moving into your career zone suggests pleasure through being of service, cultivating professional relationships, and noticing the little things others also contribute. Mercury retrograde clashes a little with your sign, so don’t avoid the detail and stick to the necessary facts. This isn’t the time to wax long and lyrical.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Cue the dramatic moody lighting as la luna resets in your sphere of sex, secrets, and other people’s stuff (interpret that any which way you like) take your cue from Leo the lion and be bold with your desire. Let others know what you want, what you have to share, and how you like it to happen. A contract or merger of talent and power could be something to aim for over the next year, just make sure you have the contract watertight so everyone is on the same signed page. Set your intentions for what and who you want to call in, upgrade, align with, and experience. Venus heads into your travel and study zone; enjoy the Parisian cultural side notes as the U.S.A. brings home a haul of Olympic gold, silver, and bronze. Someone from overseas may feature, or is it time to connect with a contact across the seas? Mercury retrograde in this zone suggests taking a step back to make a clear appraisal before moving forward with plans.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

You’re a people person, and this weekend la luna zones in on your one-to-one sphere of equal relationships as it resets during its new moon phase. In your opposite sign of Leo, set your intentions around partnership. Projecting into the upcoming year, what do you want for this sector of your life? What do you want to experience, share, encounter, commit, or not commit to? Write up to ten intentions you’re ready to explore or upgrade if you’re in an existing partnership. This includes all one-to-ones. Cover themes around pride, passion, creativity, and playfulness as you call in your lion/lioness! Turn the heat up as Venus heads into your sex and intimacy zone on the same day. Dig into the detail of what makes your obsession tick, or analyze your own psychological depths and get to know yourself better. Close encounters of the psychological kind are balanced by a willingness to serve by all involved. Mercury in this sphere could have you revisiting a decision, so hold off on any big commitments.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Set your intentions on the new moon in your work and wellness zone. What health and fitness outcomes is it time to commit to over the coming year? How about work? Be sure you add a lavish dash of luxury, style and star quality, this one is in regal Leo. As Venus shimmies into your opposite sign of fastidious Virgo, the love language shifts to service mode. Love is in the detail—the little things people do to make your day more agreeable. The practical side of this period helps ground your fantasies into reality. Which, of course, can never compete with the dream, but hey, they’re actually real. Meeting someone special is on the cards, but it’s easy to overlook a person carrying this humble profile because they’re often not terribly bold or brassy. Since pleasure is found through your one-to-ones right now, be sure to catch up with your favorite besties and enjoy the beauty in each interaction. Mercury retrograde in this sphere suggests waiting out any important decisions and observing if a course correction could benefit. An ex or old friend from the past may resurface, so take on the message, not necessarily the messenger.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here