Your Daily Horoscope: Sunday, 18 February 2024

  • Publish date: Saturday، 17 February 2024

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Aries Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

If you say that nothing ever happens to you, you`re not paying much attention. Wherever you turn in your daily life, new avenues for adventure are opening up. Places that you often take for granted are undiscovered countries waiting to be explored. You`re in that enviable position of being both a spectator and a principle actor. You`re in control of whatever happens, but pleasantly surprised when it actually does. This is called having your cake and eating it, too. As long as you`re both objective and involved, you`re in the perfect state of mind to take notes for your future autobiography.

Taurus Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

Risky business comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. You never know when your financial picture might change and whether your fortunes will rise up like a mighty wave or head south like migrating birds. Count yourself lucky if this turns out to be an uneventful day for you. Some might have it a lot worse than you do. In that case, at least have the good manners to be quiet about it. Sooner or later your comments will be invited, but until then it`s best not to crash the party. Find other outlets for your restlessness.

Gemini Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024) 

Approach all exciting gossip with caution. Every time you stretch the truth, it never quite returns to its original shape. Free advice could turn out to be utterly worthless. You`re smart enough to get a second opinion, if experience has taught you anything. For those who already miscalculated, covering your tracks would be best and covering your mistakes would be understandable. But when you try to shift the blame, being too judgmental could make you look ridiculous. There`s nothing like a clean escape to lift your spirits. Let someone else drive so that you can relax, reflect and start planning your next caper.

Cancer Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024) 

Hard work could also make your life harder instead of easier. You pride yourself in your ability to race around putting out fires, but you might really be spreading yourself too thin to cover all bases. If your subconscious mind is replaying lessons learned in childhood, you can be sure there`s a reason for it. Basic principles are being overlooked. It`s a lot like finishing and decorating a house before the plumbing and electricity are fully installed. You`d hate to pull it all apart again just because you forgot to complete what should have been done first.

Leo Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

However you might feel about animals, weapons and contests of intelligence and strength, you`re playing the consummate hunter in search of big game. Step outside the safari metaphor if you want, but the same skills apply to how you handle romance, world travel or creativity. Lovers playfully try to outguess each other. Wanderers just have to see what`s hiding around the next bend. Artists trap their muse and make it yield its secrets. Are you famous yet? If paparazzi and fans began to follow you around with cameras and autograph books, you would hardly be surprised.

Virgo Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

You`re running out of excuses and exits. At last you get to take care of business, no matter how distasteful. Later may not be as good as sooner, but it`s certainly better than never. With luck, your tasks are diversified enough to keep you from absolute boredom. If a stack of unpaid bills threatens to fall on top of you, there are legitimate errands to be done in safer environments. As you warm to your responsibilities and fall into the rhythm of plugging holes and tying up loose ends, you notice that your big obstacles are nothing more than a collection of small hurdles.

Libra Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)   

You do better when you`re talking with someone face to face. Electronic communications are fine, but the older models still work beautifully for certain things. If you`re interviewing for a job or falling in love, eye contact is the way to go. Maybe it`s your charisma or just luck, but these days you`re a social butterfly caught up in a social whirl. Your date book is filling up faster than you thought it would. Block out extra time with your partner if things are getting hot and heavy. The two of you might want to get away for a while.

Scorpio Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

If a deal looks too good to be true, guess what? It might not be a deal and it might not be the truth. Even when you conduct yourself with honor, there`s no guarantee that others play by the same rules. It`s a tricky world. Team players could be traded for reasons that have nothing to do with the game and everything to do with profit. Even if you end up in a very different place, you`re sure to land on your feet. While the story is still vivid in your memory, a far-flung friend or associate checks in to hear the latest.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

You may call them expectations, but events meet them so consistently that it might as well be a plan. These are happy, fast-moving times in your corner of the Universe. You`re on the go, delighted by your journey and your destination. The horizon beckons you with the laughter of eager lovers and ecstatic mystics. Following that music is the only sane choice. If you have to cross borders, your papers are all in order and your money is good anywhere. And if there`s some kind of delay, you make it go faster by charming and entertaining everyone else waiting in line.

Capricorn Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024) 

Whatever your gender or career, upward mobility is temporarily halted when you run into a glass ceiling. The promises that were extended to you seem to come with a lot more fine print than you noticed at first. Read the words and know your rights. And about that glass ceiling -- well, with gentle, grinding persistence, you can turn it back into the yielding sand from which it came. There could be some hesitation involved, and that`s okay, too. Play up the strategic advantages of every strength or weakness at your disposal. You`ve come too far for anything to stop you.

Aquarius Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024)  

Maybe there`s a selfish motivation for everything, but when it`s other people who make you happy, returning the favor is only natural. If you don`t have much time, consider lifestyle changes that will make you more socially accessible in the days to come. The more widespread your tribe, the harder it is to settle in any one place. The rush of the wind or the sight of moving vehicles makes you restless and distant. As long as you`re actually holding a ticket, you might as well enjoy yourself here until you present it at the gate and board that plane.

Pisces Horoscope for Sunday, 18 February 2024 

(Wednesday, 14 February 2024) 

Swallow your pride before it becomes a serious choking hazard. Kowtow to authority as if you lacked a conscience or a sense of outrage. Maybe this is about sacrifice for the greater good. Maybe it`s simply a necessary step toward survival. For those with perspective, knowing you`re right this time can be valuable ammunition later on. You might not even have to take notes if everything that`s happened is a matter of public record. But here and now, don`t let your fantasies get away with you. Be nice and invisible and treat yourself to a drink with a friend after it`s all over.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

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This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here