Your Career Horoscope for February 10, 2025
The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Today brings a chance to balance work and life, while laying a foundation for future progress. Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for February 10. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.
Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope
Aries Career Horoscope
For the first time in nearly two years, the Moon has returned to your home and family sector to find no planets on the other side of the sky in your career sector. This is something that for years has regularly put your work/life balance to the test. Yet at a time when knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off is more important than ever, there is a chance to draw on the lessons of the past without having to repeat them.
Taurus Career Horoscope
Over the course of the next 14 days the Sun, Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres will one by one leave your career sector, leaving Pluto behind to keep the momentum going. Until then, the next two weeks are a chance to lay down the foundations and the roadmap for the coming year, with an alignment between the Sun and Mercury helping to keep you on top of your game.
Gemini Career Horoscope
It is just as the Moon aligns with Mars for the last time while in retrograde motion in your income sector that his friendly aspect to Saturn in your career sector peaks. This comes on top of a major alignment between the North Node and Neptune in your career sector and their friendly aspect to Juno in your work sector that peaked yesterday. Before leaving tomorrow the Moon will bring all the different strands together.
Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign
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Cancer Career Horoscope
It has only been six days since Venus returned for what is normally a 24 day flying visit through your career sector, but already the planet of money, desire and attraction is slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn that will keep her here for the majority of the next four months. This is not only giving her more time to fuel your professional confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction but also time for forces on the income and job fronts to catch up.
Leo Career Horoscope
While it has only been 10 days since Uranus returned to your work sector and he is still at a near standstill, with the Moon having already moved through there will be a sense that the tide has turned. With Uranus barely moving and a push to get work and job matters up to speed over, this is giving you a chance to relax into the journey that this new professional year will take you on.
Virgo Career Horoscope
Thanks to the Moon's departure from your career sector yesterday, your professional instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware as an alignment between the Sun and Mercury in your work sector peaks. This first visit since Jupiter turned direct and the only visit while the Sun and Mercury are in your work sector, has given you a chance to move forward with confidence on the job and career fronts.
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Libra Career Horoscope
As the Moon, making its last visit to your career sector while Mars is in retrograde motion here aligns with the warrior planet of the cosmos, it is just as a friendly aspect to Saturn in your work sector peaks. With the North Node and Neptune having spent the last week aligned in your work sector and over the last few days at a friendly aspect to Juno in your income sector, the Moon is helping to bring all the different threads together.
Scorpio Career Horoscope
In the lead up to not only the Moon's return to your career sector tomorrow but as a Full Moon, even the professional gods are asking that you hold back. Helping with that is a coming together of the Moon, Mars and Saturn that is powering up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence. This is a chance to move into some important days on the job and career fronts with your mind and your options open.
Sagittarius Career Horoscope
While it has only been 10 days since Uranus turned direct in your work sector, taking the brakes off, the Moon has not only already moved through but formed a friendly aspect to the North Node for the first time since its return to your career sector. With Uranus still barely moving and the South Node here until July 2026, this has left you emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware but with time to get your bearings as you venture further into this new look professional year.
Read More: How to Decorate Your Home According to Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn Career Horoscope
Before leaving your work sector yesterday, the Moon not only aligned with lucky Jupiter for the first time since his direct turn here six days ago but formed a friendly aspect to the Sun and all three planets in your income sector. As well as leaving you with a download of information and insight to unpack from across the income and job fronts, there will be a sense that a corner has been turned.
Aquarius Career Horoscope
It is just as the Moon aligns with Mars for the last time while the warrior planet of the cosmos is in retrograde motion in your work sector and as he is already slowing ahead of a direct turn in two weeks, a friendly aspect to Saturn in your income sector peaks. This is on top of days of growing support between the planets on the income and career fronts, with the Moon not only ensuring you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware but with a chance to bring all the different threads together.
Pisces Career Horoscope
The lead up to the Moon's return to your work sector tomorrow is an important point in any month for having your antennas up while taking a wait and see approach. Even more so this time, with the Moon not only returning as a Full Moon but a week after Venus returned to your income sector to begin what will become the most lucrative months of 2025. Already there will be a sense of anticipation in the air.