Tajikistan Plans to Export Freshwater to Gulf Countries

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 28 May 2024
Tajikistan Plans to Export Freshwater to Gulf Countries Tajikistan Plans to Export Freshwater to Gulf Countries
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Tajikistan's Ambassador to Kuwait, Zubaydullo Zubaydzoda, announced a plan to export freshwater from Sarez Lake to Gulf countries and other regions experiencing water scarcity. The announcement was made during a meeting with the United Nations Office in Kuwait, which discussed the outcomes of the 3rd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development,” 2018-2022.

Tajikistan Plans to Export Freshwater to Gulf Countries

Tajikistan Plans to Export Freshwater to Gulf Countries

Source of Freshwater

Sarez Lake, located in Tajikistan, is a significant source of freshwater, spanning 61 kilometers in length and reaching depths of 500 meters. This lake is seen as a potential solution to the growing water needs in Gulf countries.

Water and Energy Resources

Tajikistan holds around 60 percent of Central Asia's water resources, positioning it as a key player in regional water and energy supply.