MoI Warns Against Use of Night Calm Pills Without Permit

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 29 March 2023
MoI Warns Against Use of Night Calm Pills Without Permit MoI Warns Against Use of Night Calm Pills Without Permit
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Kuwait's Ministry of Interior has prohibited the use, promotion, possession, import, and selling of Night Calm Pillls without a medical permit or prescription because it is a 'crime punishable by law'.

According to the Ministry's press release, the medical drug Zopiclone is sold under the name Night Calm and other generic names and it is used to treat insomnia. The treatment period is usually limited to 1 to 2 weeks or less. 

The statement explained how this drug can cause various health issues such as depression, addiction, and anxiety, and can lead to suicide if the patient is not supervised by an authorized medical specialist. 

The Ministry's decision comes after previously implemented laws and regulations by the Health Ministry in December 2022.