Kuwait Unveils New Camping Rules for Small Businesses

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 29 October 2024
Kuwait Unveils New Camping Rules for Small Businesses Kuwait Unveils New Camping Rules for Small Businesses
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Sources reveal that Kuwait Municipality's legal department has completed a study on camping regulations, which now include specific areas where small business owners can establish cafes, restaurants, and recreational activities. However, leasing camping spaces to companies is not allowed due to legal restrictions preventing the municipality from investing in state property without proper authorization.  

Kuwait Unveils New Camping Rules for Small Businesses

Aiming for the Upcoming Camping Season

These new regulations are expected to take effect this camping season, which starts in about two weeks, pending approval from the Municipal Council and the Minister of Municipalities. The Municipal Council is keen to expedite the approval process to allocate areas for small business owners at a monthly fee.  

This framework aims to replace the previous annual controls set by the municipality's camps committee. The new structure will help manage camping areas, prevent overcrowding, and allow the private sector to use specific sites for camps, cafes, restaurants, and shops. Fees will be established per square meter to ensure compliance and deter violations, while fines will be implemented to protect desert areas in the country’s northern, southern, and western regions.