Kuwait Sets New Rules for Hiring Foreign Workers

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 08 May 2024

The new protocols focus on essential professions such as medical, educational, engineering, legal, accounting, and financial roles.

Kuwait Sets New Rules for Hiring Foreign Workers Kuwait Sets New Rules for Hiring Foreign Workers
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Kuwait is introducing new rules for hiring foreign workers in specific technical fields. The changes aim to streamline operations for businesses and improve the labor market.

Targeted Professions

The new protocols focus on key roles such as medical, educational, engineering, legal, accounting, and financial positions. These mechanisms apply to recruiters of all nationalities without discrimination.

Kuwait Sets New Rules for Hiring Foreign Workers

Approval Process

Foreign workers will need to go through a standardized process that includes validating academic credentials and work experience. The Kuwaiti embassies abroad will be involved in certifying these documents.

Professional Practice

Applicants may be required to pass professional practice tests and provide certificates proving their experience in specific roles. This ensures that workers meet the necessary standards for their fields.

The new rules aim to improve the quality of foreign workers in Kuwait and create a more efficient labor market.