Kuwait Extends Amnesty for Expats Violating Residency Laws

  • Publish date: Saturday، 15 June 2024
Kuwait Extends Amnesty for Expats Violating Residency Laws Kuwait Extends Amnesty for Expats Violating Residency Laws
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Kuwait's Interior Ministry has announced an extension of the amnesty for expatriates violating residency laws until June 30, 2024. 

This decision, directed by Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousef Al-Sabah, comes in response to the high number of individuals seeking to take advantage of the amnesty ahead of the Eid Al-Adha holiday.

Originally set to expire on June 17, the amnesty permits expats to either legalize their residency status in Kuwait or leave the country without facing fines or blacklisting.

Failure to utilize the amnesty period may result in severe consequences. Violators who do not legalize their status or depart from Kuwait within the stipulated timeframe will face deportation to their home countries. Moreover, they will be barred from returning to Kuwait and may face additional penalties in accordance with the law.

Expatriates encountering administrative challenges or involved in legal proceedings related to their residency status are advised to seek assistance from the residency affairs department. Each case will be carefully evaluated to determine eligibility for residency regularization under the amnesty provisions.