Kuwait: 154M Dinars Profit Generated From Expat Visa Renewal in 2022

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 05 April 2023
Kuwait: 154M Dinars Profit Generated From Expat Visa Renewal in 2022 Kuwait: 154M Dinars Profit Generated From Expat Visa Renewal in 2022
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According to a government report released collectively by the Ministries of Interior, Manpower, Civil Information and Insurance, and the Central Administration for Statistics, expatriates who renewed their annual residency or acquired residency for the first time in 2022 paid a total of 154 million dinars to the state budget.

The report states that 22.2 thousand new expats paid 2.7 million dinars, while 1.4 million expatriates who work in the private sector renewed their residency during the year and contributed nearly 109 million dinars.

520,000 expatriates who entered the country on family visas paid an extra 28.6 million dinars in addition to the 15 million dinars paid by domestic employees in the family sector for the renewal of their yearly residency and health insurance.

6.3 million dinars were provided by the state to the 97,880,000 expatriates employed by the government, the majority of whom (76.5%) were employed in the healthcare, education, and medical sectors.

For a registered worker in Kuwait, renewing work permits, health insurance, residency, and civic cards costs about 70 dinars annually; domestic employees pay a lower yearly charge of 20 dinars. Between 55 and 65 dinars are charged annually for a family residence permit, private sponsorship, and business partners.