Barbecue Is Now Approved on Public Beaches With Control

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 15 August 2023
Barbecue Is Now Approved on Public Beaches With Control Barbecue Is Now Approved on Public Beaches With Control
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The Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and the Minister of State for Communications Affairs, Fahad Al-Shula, issued a ministerial decision approving Kuwait Municipality's new regulations on public hygiene, which allow barbecuing on public beaches in designated areas. 

The areas for grilling will be under the supervision of the Municipality in line with an integrated mechanism that will be laid down by the concerned bodies.

Barbecue is prohibited on sidewalks, streets, roads, squares, public squares, public facilities, state-owned land, and parks. 

Previously, Kuwait Municipality suggested allocating specific sites for barbecue based on certain conditions but the idea was discarded by relevant authorities.