360 Licenses Revoked by Kuwait's Traffic Department

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 21 June 2023
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A total of 360 driver's licenses have been revoked by the traffic department in the past three months as a result of license holders building up more than 50 points under the traffic points system. 

The "Mobile ID" application is connected to the points system, which fines drivers for 90 violations. The six governorates' traffic departments have been instructed to severely enforce permanent license suspensions for any driver who gets more points than the 50-point limit. 14 points result in a three-month license suspension for the violator.

If a driver gets 12 points after the first suspension, they are subject to a six-month suspension; if they receive 10 points after the second suspension, they are subject to a nine-month suspension. Eight points would be required to have a driver's license suspended after the third suspension. If a driver accumulates six points following the fourth suspension, their license will eventually be permanently revoked.

Driving will not be permitted for anyone whose license has been suspended, and the "Mobile ID" app will display a notification informing users that their license has been revoked.

The Director General of the Traffic Department must approve the reinstatement of a license after it has been permanently suspended, and in that scenario, the violator will need to pass the driving test just like anyone applying for a license for the first time.

According to the traffic department, using a phone while driving will result in two points being given to the driver. The maximum number of points for a violation, which includes reckless driving, driving while distracted, breaking red lights, and exceeding the speed limit, is four. After a driver pays the related fine for a traffic offense, the department's system will be cleared of any points that were built up but did not result in suspension.