
99% Feel Safe Walking Alone at Night in Kuwait

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99% Feel Safe Walking Alone at Night in Kuwait

Kuwait is leading the way when it comes to safety, particularly for residents walking alone at night. According to the latest safety index scores, the country achieved impressive ratings in the 90s in both 2019 and 2022, and 2023 marks its highest score to date. One striking statistic from this year’s report reveals that a remarkable 99% of residents feel safe walking alone at night.

Low Crime Rates Contribute to High Safety Perception

The low rates of crime play a significant role in this feeling of security. Only 4% of residents reported experiences with assault, while a mere 1% indicated they had encountered theft. These figures contribute to the overwhelming confidence residents have in their environment, although it's worth noting that the survey did not assess public confidence in law enforcement.

99% Feel Safe Walking Alone at Night in Kuwait

Global Comparison: Kuwait Among the Safest Places

In a world where safety perceptions can vary widely, Kuwait stands out. Many economically developed countries with robust legal systems report that a high percentage of their populations feel secure walking alone at night. Kuwait's safety sentiment closely mirrors other countries with strict state control and strong rule of law. In 2023, a similar feeling of safety was reported in several other countries, including:

  • Kuwait: 99%
  • Singapore: 94%
  • Norway: 92%
  • Saudi Arabia: 92%
  • Tajikistan: 92%
  • Slovenia: 91%
  • United Arab Emirates: 90%
  • El Salvador: 88%
  • Montenegro: 88%
  • Bahrain: 87%
  • Iceland: 87%
  • Kosovo: 87%
  • Luxembourg: 87%
  • Switzerland: 87%

A Testament to Community and Safety

Kuwait's high safety score is a testament to the community's efforts in maintaining a secure environment. With 99% of residents feeling safe walking alone at night, it's clear that the country prioritizes safety and wellbeing. As Kuwait continues to lead in safety perceptions, it sets an example for others to follow, showing that a low crime rate and strong community values can create a secure living environment.

Whether you're a resident or a visitor, you can feel confident exploring the streets of Kuwait, knowing that safety is a top priority for its people.

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